VI Everyday Mobilities
This online resource has been co-produced by researchers and visually impaired (VI) participants to share the everyday experiences and strategies of young VI people as they navigate London’s busy transport systems.
We invite anyone with an interest in transport and accessibility to watch/ listen or read and join the discussion.
"We've all got unique situations... everyone can do things that are worth fighting for, if it's travelling or doing other things socially or whatever. This is how we manage to get to where we are now"
James, Research Participant

The Research Project
Our research examines the relationship between urban transport and the everyday lives of visually impaired (VI) young people in London.
Video Journeys
These films show moments and encounters captured by participants using GoPro cameras. The videos have been edited with, and narrated by, participants.
Here is a list of organisations and projects which can provide advice, information, and support in relation to transport accessibility and visually impaired (VI) people.

Events, Presentations and Screenings
If you would like to screen any of our films at an event, conference or in a public space, please contact Jennie at: jennie.middleton@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Accessible Screening: VI Mobilities film screening + Panel discussion
Location: Rio Cinema, 107 Kingsland High St, London, E8 2PB
Date: 3rd October 2018, 13:00 - 15:00
Accessible Screening: 'VI Mobilities video installation'; Navigating Urban Life Exhibition
Location: Centre for Urban and Community Research (CUCR). Laurie Grove Baths, Goldsmiths University of London
Date: 20th September - 10th October 2018
Conference Paper: ‘Video methods and visual impairment?: exploring the everyday mobilities of visually impaired young people’. RGS-IBG Annual Conference
Speakers: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 2nd – 4th September 2015
Seminar: ‘Envisioning the City: exploring the everyday mobilities of visually impaired young people’. Technatures Research Cluster Meeting, University of Oxford
Speaker: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 10th June 2015
Invited Keynote: ‘The Walkable City’. Walking Studies Today, Keele University
Speakers: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 26th May 2015
Invited Seminar: ‘The Walkable City’. Step by step: An interdisciplinary seminar with a focus on walking, University of East London
Speaker: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 20th May 2015
Conference Paper: ‘Envisioning the City: exploring the everyday mobilities of visually impaired young people’. Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Chicago
Speaker: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 21st – 25th April 2015
Seminar: ‘The Mobilities Turn and Walking as Method’. TSU seminar series, University of Oxford
Speakers: Dr Jennie Middleton
Date: 27th February 2014